What is super pure water resin? What does it do?

Ultrapure water resin plays an important role in the industrial field, providing users with high-quality ultrapure water. And a lot of users do not know too much about ultrapure water resin. What is super pure water resin? And what is the role of ultrapure water resin?

What is ultrapure water resin?

Usually, we say ultra-pure water resin is also called polishing resin, generally used for ultra-pure water treatment system end, to ensure that the water quality of the system can meet the water standard, water quality can reach 18 megohms, and TOC, SIO2 have a certain control ability. The ion type of polishing resin factory is H, OH type, which can be used after loading without regeneration.

It is generally used for direct purification of water, preparation of pure water in the electronic industry, and subsequent mixed bed essence treatment of other water treatment processes. It is suitable for various water treatment fields with high effluent requirements and no high regeneration conditions, such as display equipment, calculator hard disk, CD-ROM, precision circuit board, discrete electronic equipment, and other precision electronic products industry, medicine and medical treatment, cosmetics industry, precision machinery processing industry, etc.

The role of ultra-pure water resin

Ultrapure water resin adsorption calcium and magnesium ions in water, the main effect also has a certain order but adsorption, according to the sorting, calcium and magnesium ions in front of the position is not, so that can absorb calcium and magnesium ions will adsorption ion in front of it, if it is found that water velocity changes, some ion will be washed away, eventually lead to changes in quality. Resin is divided into negative, catio exchange resin two kinds. Cationic resin mainly removes calcium and magnesium ions from water. Water without calcium and magnesium ions will not scale when heated. Therefore, it is generally used for boilers. Anionic resins are used to reduce electrical conductivity and are usually used where pure water is required. Both resins rely on acid and base regeneration. It can be reused after regeneration.

What’s the use of ultrapure water?

Water produced by distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis, or other techniques was originally used in the United States to develop ultrapure materials. Now ultra-pure water has been widely used in biology, medicine, automobile, and other fields. In addition to water molecules (H20), ultra-pure water has almost no impurities, no bacteria, viruses, and other organic substances, and no mineral trace elements required by the human body. Therefore, ultra-pure water has very high requirements, the general water resistivity is greater than 18MΩ *cm, close to 18.3MΩ *cm is called ultra-pure water.

Introduction to the characteristics of ultra-pure water resin

The effluent from the first operation of the purified mixed bed can reach 18M. C and TOC content is less than 5ppb.

Chemical and physical stability, good thermal stability, high strength, large exchange capacity.

The resin combination will provide an excellent balance of operational performance, simple operation, long resin life, and cost-effective operation

Notes for use of ultra-pure water resin

  •  keep a certain temperature, suitable for storage temperature 5 ~ 40℃, frozen resin should be handled gently, so as to avoid mechanical damage, and the best natural thawing, to prevent heat damage.
  • keep the equipment environment clean, pay attention to prevent pollution by organic matter and organic oil, if the resin long-term outage or no timely replacement of resin, organic matter surges mucus and blocks the resin bed, resulting in flow water quality and other problems.
  • in order to make the ultrapure water resin better exchange effect, was achieved at loading, to improve efficiency and extend the life cycle of the resin, the resin container should be clean with clean water, and then the whole package resin one-time loading into the container, but not with water and resin filling at the same time, otherwise it will use effect and life stratification caused by the resin.