Can you use the special resin for slow walking silk thread cutting?

Everyone is very confused about what is walking silk resin? Have you seen slow-walking silk resin, but don’t know what it is? What is it for?

In fact, the slow walking silk resin is a special mixed bed resin is a kind of gel type strong acid cation exchange resin and strong base anion exchange resin composition of ready-to-use resin. It’s called “slow-walking silk resin. It is made of special resin after high transformation and special purification treatment, and mixed according to specific chemical equivalent. It is suitable for the discharge processing of slow thread cutting and condensate water finishing system for the main purpose of removing ions and metal oxides. It has the characteristics of high purity, large exchange capacity and long service life.

Ionic form: H+/OH-

Effective particle size: 0.40mm-0.60mm

Bulk density: 0.7g-0.8g/ml

Water content: 53%-64%

Uniformity coefficient: ≤1.6

Durable temperature: below 60

Insoluble in water, dilute acid, alkali; Ionic, H+/OH- ion exchange resin;

Slow walking silk resin is regenerated premixed, can be used directly for mixing bed special ion exchange resin Slow walking silk resin is especially suitable for slow walking silk cutting machine tool water treatment, but also can be used for radioactive material water treatment system and semiconductor preparation and other industries of ultrapure water production, can also be used for a variety of water treatment process after the fine treatment. Recommended operating conditions: high height; ≥600mm maximum service temperature 60℃; Running flow rate 20-90BV/h; The H+ type and OH- type transition rates were very high when the resin mixture was synthesized. Long-term exposure in the air will absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide, thereby affecting the performance and use of products. Therefore, once the package is opened, it should be used as soon as possible, and the unused parts should be carefully sealed.

In addition, the special resin products of slow walking silk wire cutting can not be exposed to direct sunlight or insolation. Walking silk resin series products do not need water injection in the exchange column, direct loading to avoid secondary stratification.